Why Should You Strength Train?


Strength Training for Health

Muscle mass decline and the loss of bone mineral density as we age (this starts at age 30 & progresses by 3-8% per year without intervention!), contribute to lower metabolic rates and consequently fat gain without a change in eating habits and calorie intake.

Muscle utilises and stores blood glucose, a loss of muscle mass increases circulating glucose a risk factor for type 2 diabetes.

Improved body composition (more muscle less fat), reduced lipids in the blood, and reduced resting blood pressure combine to improve cardiovascular health.

If you’re looking for an anti-aging strategy, resistance training knocks skin care or supplements out of the park.

Strength training doesn’t need to be complicated, intimidating or something you do if you want big muscles.

My Simple Strength plan consists of my go to exercises that I often use in rehab and beyond. Keep scrolling for more information or subscribe now for your FREE copy.

Your Simple Strength Plan

On the plan you will find:

4 key exercises that address lower body & trunk strength

  • A guide to sets, reps and weight

  • Recommended regressions if you need to start slower

  • Video links of demonstrations of the exercises

  • Written teaching points to make sure you are doing the exercises correctly.

Strength Training for Injury Prevention

I have written a blog about The Power of Strength Training for Reducing Injury Risk but the crux of the argument is; if you make muscle stronger it can cope with a greater demand, reducing your chance of an overuse injury. It supports joints, and acts in unison with your nervous system to react quicker. Stronger muscle will always bounce back faster after periods of injury or life setbacks, making strength training far superior to aerobic training for longevity of results.

Strength training has long been viewed as something elite athletes do or if you want big beach muscles or just for men or something that will make you bulky.

And that’s just not true. It’s for you and this myth is holding you back.

Sounds perfect, but where do I start!?

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Danielle was really thorough and was able to quickly identify the issue and provide exercises/movement pattens that would strengthen where needed
— Matt Willmott (Business Owner)